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Black Meriah, selected by the Saatchi Online Gallery UK for their portrait exhibition some months back,

has been sold to a private collector in Johannesburg. The buyer contacted artist Schalk van der Merwe directly after viewing the svdmstudio website and scooped this mixed media piece up along with “Judas”, a portrait from an earlier series called “Release”.

Schalk is currently working towards a summer exhibition entitled:“The Human Condition: A portrait study in Primaries.”This new series of work explores the long-time fascination that Schalk has with that which drives the Human Spirit. “To a large extent, this new work is self reflective. I am fascinated by one’s personal evolution and over the last couple of months, I’ve been very aware of my relationship to the creative process. Every day reveals something unexpected to me and the more I surrender to the process, the more truthful the work becomes,” says Schalk.

Details of the summer exhibition will be released in a few months time.

Selected works are currently on display at The Ghuba Gallery in Hout Bay.

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