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PoetsArtists are a multi-interactive publication including print-on-demand. Published from 6 to 8 times a year, they like to place poetry and art together as they should be. They interview art collectors, poets, artists, gallery owners and art dealers to keep their readers in the know. They publish what they love and not what they are paid to publish. They do not advertise. They do not have institutions dictating to us. For them quality is worth more than quantity. Since 2014 they started inviting curators from galleries, artists and established poets to oversee their own unique issue. Art work published has been acquired by various private and public collections including The Tullman Collection in Chicago, IL.

The latest edition: PoetsArtists #66 - Destroying the Figure in the 21st century curated by Daena Title, deals with current issues of lack of privacy, the impact of social media and brands on our existence. At what point does the figure in a figure painting lose its formal or narrative dominance? Other decades’ responses, Cubism, Expressionism, Fill-in-the-blank-ism, reflected their time and place. But how are we responding to the individual in our decade?

This subject matter is something very close to Schalk’s process and especially the series: “The Slow Disintegration of Sanity”.

“In this series I explore the world we live in today. A world vastly different to the one I knew as a child. A world where instant gratification is the order of the day and everything seems accelerated, impermanent and often meaningless. It feels chaotic and I find myself strongly influenced by this. To reflect this current state of being, I chose simple newsprint and work with spray paint, charcoal, pencils, turpentine and acrylics. All of these materials can dry within minutes, which allows me the opportunity to change images at the drop of a hat. It also allows me too work fast. I don’t think, I just do. At the end of each day I’ll review the work I’ve done. Some pieces survive, while others get happily discarded. Nothing here is permanent or precious. Everything is disposable.

These are visceral portraits inspired by either a world, or an artist gone mad”, says Schalk.

To view PA ISSUE #66 please visit

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