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In early May 2015, Schalk was approached by the art editor, Ava Mallett, from New York based Art & Culture Magazine, The Brandy Alexander for an interview and feature.

The series, "Our Under 1,000 series of Notable, New Artists on Instagram", looks at artists with less than 1000 followers on the mentioned social media platform. "With a studio process consisting of tea, dancing, and Brian Eno’s “Stars,” van der Merwe has shifted his focus to a new series titled Dearly Beloved which investigates the artist’s own mortality through that of deceased family members. For van der Merwe, engagement with social media creates a feed of distorted and darkened faces stacked together and facing you,' says Mallett.

“As an artist today you have to embrace the multiple opportunities offered by social media. The opportunities and exposure is priceless. Any emerging artist would be foolish not to capitalise on the millions of eyes out there. Sitting in your studio waiting to be discovered is one approach, but not necessarily the best one," says Schalk.

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